Follow Me on Pinterest Russian Immigrant's Closet: Kokoshnik...

Saturday, October 15, 2011


My intention is to shade a light on Fashion History of Russia as there are so many things to share, to get an inspiration in.Today  I decided to start with  my favorite Russian traditional accessory such as head-dress. 
Ladies and gentlemen give it up for Kokoshnik! 
  As we may look back into the early ages of Russian History the most widespread headdress worn by women and girls was Kokoshnik.  It was created to match a style of a dress (sarafan)and varied in forms and shapes.  It could be round or pointed and have some pearls on it as well. Nowadays you can meet this beautiful headdress on women  of  Russian folk ensembles and sometimes it’s worn by brides on their wedding day. Unfortunately, it is out of popularity for  every day outfit, although Russian Designers try to incorporate it back in our present-day Fashion.



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